Thrift Scores

Hello, hello, hello! It's been another much too short week around the homestead. We had another move in at my job, so that kept me really busy all week. However, I did have Tuesday off and took the opportunity to head out on the road and visit some thrift shops I have not been to in over a year. I have been focusing my energy on estate sales, given the serious lack of good thrift shopping in the nearby area, so it was fun to change it up a little. I got some really good deals too, it was definitely a fun and successful little weekday trip. I was able to snap a few (very quick) pictures while I had a few hours off of work, so lets check out the goods, shall we?!

Watch for some of these items to be listed in the Blueprint Vintage shop soon!  I also had another opportunity to thrift, so hopefully I will get some pics snapped of those fun things as well.

Fall Times Decorations

Aren't I timely... Here are some pictures of my fall/Thanksgiving decorations. They look pretty similar to my Halloween ones huh?? Yeah...I felt I had a good thing going there. I swapped out my Halloween related objects for some lovely decorative pears and pretty much called it a day. The leaves are from the dollar store and they are the B.D.C! (bomb dot com) Thick crepe paper and wires hold a nice and "natural" shape.

So here's my question to you; what on earth do I do with my pumpkin/gourds now?? I really don't want to toss them, they are so pretty, but having them around makes it even harder to wrap my head around the fact that Christmas is a mere 20 some days away. (I've had a hard time ever feeling really Christmas-y here, coming from Wisconsin to North Carolina, the weather is so dramatically different, it's hard for me to associate 65 degrees with Christmas. But no, I don't miss the snow.) Maybe I could just stick some bows on them? That stack could sort of be a Christmas Ha ha ha! We'll see. I am thinking it's going to be a white pottery with pink and turquoise vintage glass ornaments kind of Christmas.

Happy Thanksgiving! Here are my Halloween Decorations...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! As promised, here are my Halloween decor pics (just slightly behind schedule here). I took the Martha idea of spray painting a grapevine wreath black and adding black "creepy crawlies" to the next level by adding myself in a little dollar store crow. He really was the crowning jewel.

Awwwww, isn't it cute.

Here's the fireplace as a whole. It's hard to work around that stupidly large TV and cables. The pumpkin gourds have continued their presence through the current holiday. Who the rate I'm going, they'll probably still be there for Christmas too!


And here's reason #236 that I love North Carolina; beautiful camellias blooming in November; NOVEMBER!!! 

Upholstery Class

After 24+ chair is finally recovered and back together, and I have just the cushions to complete. I completely, COMPLETELY understand why upholsters can charge so much money. This job was a pain in the @$$! I do think the process would have been a bit speedier working at home, but one of the great *perks* of this upholstery class has been the camaraderie with the other classmates. We have potlucks and everything!! 
What my chair looked like before...also the two reasons it needed a good reupholstering

Fall Cleaning

It was gutter cleaning time this last weekend; clearly I was thrilled. I pulled lots of good compost out of them. I guess it's going to be a twice-a-year job. *le sigh*

A little slap on the wrist

This is the tree in front of my house. Yay Fall!!
This picture is actually a few weeks old and the tree is now a tree of sticks, bummer. So I've recently been getting some guff from my friends that they want I am going to make an effort to get the ball rolling again. I recently got a job, my first in three years, and balancing a 40 hour work week with 8 hours of upholstery class and the simple fact that I just am not used to being out of the house that much, has left me little time for the internet. But my job is part time and it is slowing up this week, so I hope to catch up on my blog, the blogs I read, and of course the SHOP. (I've been to quite a few estate sales lately and have a treasure trove of goodies hiding out in my shed/workshop)

So...things to look forward too...
I did in fact take some pictures of my Halloween decorations, so if I can find which memory card they are on, I will share them with you. (Just slightly belated)
I have several more pictures of pretty fall things happening in the yard. They are also belated but nice to look at.
Oh yeah, I'm in an upholstery class! It's lots of fun. (If not for all the hard work, than the camaraderie.) I have a lot of pictures of that project to share as well.   
Estate sale goodies and rearranging the house; lots to share there.

So thanks so much for sticking around, and thank you to those friends who've been nudging me to get back at it; I hope to have lots more to share with you soon!

Cooking from Pinterest

1. The Greatest Broccoli Ever; no joke, it melts in your mouth! Originally from
2. Sopapilla Cheesecake. Made this for the football game and it was a huge hit. Originally from
3. Fail-Proof Pizza Dough. Made, haven't cooked it yet :)  Originally from
4. Lemon Garlic Spaghetti. Very tasty, easy and affordable! Originally from

Estate Sale Finds

I may be cheating a little, but I am reposting a post I did for Blueprint Vintage over here as well :) Most of these items I am using in my home (not selling) so I think it works!

I must admit that these finds are a few weeks old, but I am still struggling with finding an area in the house with really good light for photography. I've been anxious to share these finds though because I think they are some of the best ones yet! Let's take a look:
Clockwise from top left:
  • Mid-century aluminum patio lamps; set of 4. Also came with 6 wicks new in the package. 
  • Nice old hat box I shall use for organizing my closet all pretty like. 
  • Two wooden milk crates. The top one is stamped Brooklyn! 
  • Some odds and ends for my workshop. The tape measure is to carry along on thrifting adventures. It is fabric and very light weight.

Clockwise from top left:
  • Large glass cider jug for storing corks, change, etc. 
  • Mid-century hairpin legs which I will use on my suitcase petbed/footstool project. (Whenever that project gets done...) 
  • Cool wire basket! I've been seeing these in all the design mags lately. 
  • Small pretty blue vase for decoration. 
Pretty great stuff huh!? This really was one of the best sales (in terms of what I like to look for) that we've had here in quite a while. Unfortunately (my husband would disagree) I didn't make it back for half price day to pick up a few more fun things they had.
I don't know that I will have another "finds" post for awhile, as I am trying to stay away from sales until I can buckle down and focus more the Etsy shop. I need to make money to spend it!

G is for Garden

Although not much of one this year. I didn't have much time (or money) to get the ground worked up this spring, so I was left with planting a few pepper plants, a heap of basil, and some nasturtiums in an existing planter box. I do think the whole thing looks pretty darn adorable with the ivy and morning glory growing all over it though :) I am fortunate that the long growing season here in the Carolinas means that I am able to start planting cool weather hardy veggies (think beets, carrots, kale, onions and spinach) any time now for a delicious fall harvest. I guess that's one more project for the to-do list!!

Well Hello!

It's been a busy busy last few weeks and I shall resume my regularly scheduled (ha ha) blogging soon! Until then:

driving home at dusk

How to Fold a Fitted Sheet

Who hasn't wondered how to do this, right?!? I learned from Martha a couple of years ago, and thought it's about time to spread the word! This is a great tutorial from the Martha site, but I did add in my own little notes. Keep in mind, it is essential when folding a fitted sheet to have a large flat surface to lay the sheet down on.

image from Martha

Why have I waited so long!?!

A post title with many meanings...

First, I can't believe that it has taken me so long to post this as it is the most exciting thing to happen around here since...sliced bread I guess.
Second, I can't believe that it took me so long to just bite the bullet, but my fears aside and go for it! For what you ask? Tearing up the old carpet and exposing the BEAUTIFUL hardwood floors underneath! See:

yes, that first picture was taken to show the curtains more than the floor

Top: Blue Dasher hanging out. Bottom left: Yard decor. Center: Carpenter Bees on the Rose of Sharon. Right: Water Lily in the goldfish pond. 

This is were I sit to do most of my computer and Etsy work. I recently switched out this desk, for the one in the picture. It's a little bit larger and mid-century (I can't get away from it). I was looking for a desk with more room, because I typically have a cat sitting up here with me too. Well, I found out the other day that not only does the cat fit nicely on the desk...but so does the dog!! I swear she's bigger than that, but seeing her fit in that space makes her look so little! I got quite a kick out of having her sit there for me :)

Today I fell in love

With this:
in love
If anyone would like to donate a large sum of money to me by 4pm EST so that I may phone in my bid to the auction company, I would love you forever. I would even pay you back after I sold nearly every other piece of furniture in my house (even this)...because that's how bad I want this set. Donations may be made via paypal to

<3 <3 <3

Fish in the Pond!

Last week we added 6 fishy friends to the family. We stocked the backyard pond with two koi and four goldfish. Here is a picture of the smaller koi Flip.

I can't wait to have a dinner party!!!

This was my super score this last weekend!! Mid-century, Skovmand & Andersen made in Denmark, teak, two leaves and eight chairs...EIGHT!!!

I am so excited!!

The Coffee Table Delima

While estate saleing this weekend, I picked up a sweet old trunk for $5. I thought I give it a try as a coffee table since I have been having a really hard time getting my vintage mid-century Lane piece to work in the new house. I posted this pic on Facebook for peer opinions , and have been getting a great review:

excuse the iphone shot
While I'm pretty sure mine is here to stay (at least for a few months until I'm itching for a rearrange); seeing this post on Design*Sponge today solidified my decision that the trunk has not been entirely played out yet and still has a little life left in it. I spotted not one, but THREE trunks in this sweet, contemporary meets vintage apartment feature.

What's going on inside?!

While it feels like we really haven't done much inside the house lately, I have thought of a few small projects:

Husband added an extra shelf in each of our closets 

I changed the OLD thermostat over to a nice new programmable digital one. It was terrifying because I am not 100% sure what type of HVAC system we have here (shame on me, I know), the wires didn't quite match up the way I thought they would and I was pretty sure something was going to blow up. Nothing did and it seems to be working swell thus far. 

And most recently we installed a screen door back in the sunroom. It's not the prettiest thing, but it's a really nice addition when the weather is warm enough to leave this door open. 

I do have several painting projects to work on but my primer had been MIA. I found it while installing the screen door (...) so I guess I'll have to get started on those soon. I am going to need some input on what color to paint some of the rooms, so ya'll better keep checking back to help me with that!

Not much new in the neighborhood

So the weather here has taken a turn back to being more "spring like" again and the cooler temps and rainy weather have kept me inside quite a bit the last few weeks. We're two months in here (already!?!?) and I feel like we've settled in and are comfortable just the way it is. The comfortableness has pushed the drive to work on that list of projects down to a trickle and getting up the motivation to paint, hang pictures and the like has nearly disappeared from me. It probably doesn't help that I am obsessed with "Get it Sold" on HGTV right now and I'm constantly thinking about the stripped down staged look, resale, and appealing to the masses. I know right....we just got here!

On the outside, I've got a mad urge to plant, plant, plant; but since I do not know what is already planted, I've had to put that on pause as well. It seems every time I scope out a location for a new plant or bulb area...a few days later something is sprouting out of the ground in that spot. It looks as though I am going to need to put planting on the back burner until later this spring, or stick to containers this year. Of all those new plants that keep budding and flowering, I've been particularly intrigued by this one:

After MUCH extensive internet research I finally figured out that it is a flowering quince....sort of. Actually it's a Chaenomeles (or so I'm fairly certain, just not sure about the specific species) which is related to a quince. The flowers are AMAZING! They are so bright and beautiful! Figuring out what this plant was also helped me determine just what those shriveled apple looking things were on the branches as well; last years fruit!

So while I have not been busy around the house, I have spent LOTS of hours on the Internet. I was very very excited to finally get an invitation to join the website Pinterest after "applying" for one several weeks ago. Have you heard of it??
What is Pinterest?
Think of Pinterest as a virtual pinboard — a place where you can create collections of things you love and "follow" collections created by people with great taste.
People use Pinterest to collect and share all sorts of things -- wedding inspiration, favorite T-shirts, DJ equipment. You name it, people are pinning it.
We know you have great taste in something. Our mission is to make Pinterest the best place for you to share your taste with the world.
It is essentially what I initially envisioned  Tumblr to be like (when I first heard about it several years ago), but better...for me anyway. I follow so many blogs and see so many beautiful images on a daily basis that I love having this resource to "pin" those images, jot notes about them, and be able to easily reference them when ever I need to. It is less like blogging, and more like straight forward image collection and inspiration. Each image links back to it's original location making it easy to reference where it came from (another blog, online magazine or store) and also to properly note it's origin when blogging (very important!). Here are some images which I have "pinned":

Our sofa:

Pillows from cb2 that I want! want! want!:

Source: via Nico on Pinterest

Source: via Nico on Pinterest

I have been using one of my "boards" to put together ideas for our living room.

If you spend any where near as much time as I do on the internet looking at pretty pictures, check out Pinterest and let me know if you'd like to join the community, I have several invitations to give out (how "gmail" like), just leave me a comment requesting one.  Coming soon is a blog about my other new found obsession...Instagram. Have a lovely afternoon!

Weekend Rummage and New Projects

We had absolutely gorgeous weather here in NC again this last weekend and I was happy to take full advantage of it! My darling neighbors helped me get my bike up and running again (they really are great!) and we were able to ride over to a couple of church rummage sales. I have posted HERE about the general thrift situation in my area and it seems, in general, fairly difficult to find cool old furniture; but this weekend I found SEVERAL very neat pieces. I certainly don't need to add any more projects to my "to-do" list, but I couldn't help filling a couple of spaces in the house that I didn't have the right pieces for yet. One of those spaces would be a work area for me. I had originally intended on sharing our current desk (located in the guest bedroom) with my husband, but was finding it difficult to work in a room with Northern exposure, when the front of the house has such amazing, sunny Southern exposure. So then I found this:

I love, love, love this little guy and think he's supremely perfect for a workspace for me out in the sun room.  The former owners had a desk in this spot and I've been thinking about putting one here ever since. That bright sunny window faces the front of the house so I can look up from the computer and look at the front gardens as a ponder what to write next. It is fairly small, but I am hoping that just prevents me from piling it high with "stuff". H thinks it looks like it belongs in a doll house. Check out all the detail in the craftsmanship:

The drawers were lined with charming vintage wallpaper:


I do have plans to paint it and think I might use some of the leftover paint samples from the old living room and go gray. 
Palette from Sherwin Williams ColorSnap App - You can totally tell the difference right?!?

And of course I'll be hitting up Hobby Lobby for some Anthro inspired knobs.
My other great find was this FANTASTIC dresser:

I had been using a credenza as a dresser but when I saw this, I just knew it would fit the space so much better. Our master is huge; and I'm not saying that to brag, but it really is gigantic given the age of the house. The former owners had a king size bed (on an angle and we all know how much dead space that creates! ) and two very large dressers. The problem with this is that our puny furniture just doesn't do the space justice. This new dresser is really deep and a lot taller than my credenza. I especially love the little drawers at the top which are perfect for jewelry and such. It fits in it's new home perfectly. H is a little jealous of it since he is using a boring IKEA dresser, but have no fear, for I shall continue to hunt for just the right piece for him too. My little mirror doesn't quite seem to match, but it is all I have for now.

We also found a DARLING table, but my neighbor decided to get that one. One of us had to get it because it has such fantastic bones and I didn't really know just where I could put it. I do not have a picture of it, but I found a picture of an identical one at Thrifty Decor Chick. "Ours" is still wood toned, and the top is in better shape, but I know it's the same one because the legs are identical.

All and all it was a pretty fun weekend of hunting and as always, I am looking forward to next weekends hunt as well! Where you able to get out and find any great things this weekend?

Bathroom One

One of the few rooms I've actually got a chance to "put my mark on", has been the guest bathroom. One of the reasons I picked this room was because it was painted with a flat paint, and condensation marks were visible. Using the paint I had leftover from the master bath at the old house, a semi gloss, I discovered why flat paint was a better idea in there. It was a lesson I should have learned long ago in design school, but semi glass shows all! and our 70 year old plaster walls are not in the greatest shape. 

Bathroom before. This nice neutral tan is the all around color. It's kind of like light chocolate milk.
Bathroom after. LOVE LOVE LOVE the brown 2"x2" glossy tiles on the floor. 
Just what is that fantastic color on the walls in there?? Why it's Sherwin Williams Breathless. I ADORE it!! It's a subtle lavender with more red than blue undertones. I first thought the name Breathless was beautiful and romantic for the color, but while I was painting it the first time I thought....this is the same color you would turn if you held your breath too long....Breathless, ha ha ha! I used the Sherwin Williams ColorSnap App to get this lovely little digital swatch. Depending on your monitor settings, Breathless may look more like the Mauve Finery color in real life.There's always lots to do around until the next project....

Especially Thankful for 4 Day Weekends

Now that we are homeowners, I think we are extra thankful for 4 day weekends, especially when the weather is absolutely beautiful and the temps are hitting the upper 70's. It was perfect weather for lots of yard work, so yard work we did.
Our super awesome next door neighbors pulled in a huge favor and got us a borrowed pressure washer. We spent MUCH of the weekend freshening up the house, walks, decks, arbors, and lattice work. Personally, pressuring washing is only fun for the first....20 minutes, gets pretty tedious. I think I've logged about 8 hours on that baby this weekend too. It is also not something for someone who is as anal-retentive as I am...I don't just want it to look clean, I want it to look NEW.

Here is H working on the front arbor

Yeah....the patio needed a good scrub

I've really been enjoying watching the plants come back to life. It has been especially exciting with a whole yard full of who-knows-what! 

My good looking Camellia. The other one is very yellow and the blossoms hardly open before browning and dying...any suggestions??

I don't want to get my hopes up...but this really looks like a lilac to me. I believe there is one hybrid that grows down here.
Don't know what these will be, but I love that they are green! 

I cheated...these are in the neighbors yard. Yeh SPRING!! 

 The hydrangeas leafing out. I LOVE hydrangeas and there are many plants.
Another unknown...These giant spiney bushes are covered with pink buds which are in groups. There is some sort of a fruit (???) hanging on from last year that looks like a shriveled apple. Any ideas what this might be? 

Another Midwestern thing...Pussy Willows!! I was SO EXCITED to see them. I've always loved them as a sign that spring has most certainly sprung. I feel like it's a Midwest thing because none of my Southern friends knew what they were; although maybe they just are not plant dorks like me. :) 

Hooray!!! I just love these fuzzy little guys! 

We also took advantage of this beautiful weather by having some people over for a BBQ. It's nice to have people over, because it really motivates me to get things unpacked, cleaned up and set up. Here are some pictures from how it looked: 

I set my Pier One chairs outside. These will continue to reside in the sunroom until the weather is a bit more consistent.

The gazebo has long since lost it's cover, but a $5 box of Christmas lights from an estate sale has helped dress it up. 

More seating, more lights. 

View from the patio, looking back towards the house (sunroom area). The giant fork (and knife) where paintings done (and left here) by the former owners. She was an artist, and I absolutely love these for their whimsy and for their colors. 

I haven't had a chance to use this little rolling cart in my house for quite awhile, so I was happy to have found a home for it, with some plants, out in the sunroom. I am still trying furniture arrangements on for size, so I'm not sure if this setup will stay or go. 

Other accomplishments for this 4 day weekend include (but are not limited to): 

  • Getting juuuuuuuuust about everything wrapped up for final check out at the old place. (It will be sooooo nice not having to deal with any of that again for a while...or ever)
  • Selling off a few un-needed items and recouping the cost of the oriental (inspired) rug a bought at an estate sale this weekend
  • Said estate sale turned up the rug, box o' lights, white linen napkins, and some funky 'faux' tattoo hosiery (Etsy perhaps??)
  • Cleaning out beside and behind the workshop and all around storage shed 
  • Making an attempt to clean out the front pond 
  • H's awesome lunch of ricotta, leek and bacon pizza; followed up with a steak dinner
WHEW! It looks like the weather will be "cooling off" again to more average temps so I am pretty happy with all we accomplished this weekend. For the next nice weekend we will be doing the touch up painting (post pressure wash) and hopefully cleaning up the brick mess (I was wrong in thinking it was a good idea to save the bricks from the old chimney...cause now I gotta clean them up!) What did you get done on this beautiful weekend!?