A little slap on the wrist

This is the tree in front of my house. Yay Fall!!
This picture is actually a few weeks old and the tree is now a tree of sticks, bummer. So I've recently been getting some guff from my friends that they want updates...so I am going to make an effort to get the ball rolling again. I recently got a job, my first in three years, and balancing a 40 hour work week with 8 hours of upholstery class and the simple fact that I just am not used to being out of the house that much, has left me little time for the internet. But my job is part time and it is slowing up this week, so I hope to catch up on my blog, the blogs I read, and of course the SHOP. (I've been to quite a few estate sales lately and have a treasure trove of goodies hiding out in my shed/workshop)

So...things to look forward too...
I did in fact take some pictures of my Halloween decorations, so if I can find which memory card they are on, I will share them with you. (Just slightly belated)
I have several more pictures of pretty fall things happening in the yard. They are also belated but nice to look at.
Oh yeah, I'm in an upholstery class! It's lots of fun. (If not for all the hard work, than the camaraderie.) I have a lot of pictures of that project to share as well.   
Estate sale goodies and rearranging the house; lots to share there.

So thanks so much for sticking around, and thank you to those friends who've been nudging me to get back at it; I hope to have lots more to share with you soon!

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