Not much new in the neighborhood

So the weather here has taken a turn back to being more "spring like" again and the cooler temps and rainy weather have kept me inside quite a bit the last few weeks. We're two months in here (already!?!?) and I feel like we've settled in and are comfortable just the way it is. The comfortableness has pushed the drive to work on that list of projects down to a trickle and getting up the motivation to paint, hang pictures and the like has nearly disappeared from me. It probably doesn't help that I am obsessed with "Get it Sold" on HGTV right now and I'm constantly thinking about the stripped down staged look, resale, and appealing to the masses. I know right....we just got here!

On the outside, I've got a mad urge to plant, plant, plant; but since I do not know what is already planted, I've had to put that on pause as well. It seems every time I scope out a location for a new plant or bulb area...a few days later something is sprouting out of the ground in that spot. It looks as though I am going to need to put planting on the back burner until later this spring, or stick to containers this year. Of all those new plants that keep budding and flowering, I've been particularly intrigued by this one:

After MUCH extensive internet research I finally figured out that it is a flowering quince....sort of. Actually it's a Chaenomeles (or so I'm fairly certain, just not sure about the specific species) which is related to a quince. The flowers are AMAZING! They are so bright and beautiful! Figuring out what this plant was also helped me determine just what those shriveled apple looking things were on the branches as well; last years fruit!

So while I have not been busy around the house, I have spent LOTS of hours on the Internet. I was very very excited to finally get an invitation to join the website Pinterest after "applying" for one several weeks ago. Have you heard of it??
What is Pinterest?
Think of Pinterest as a virtual pinboard — a place where you can create collections of things you love and "follow" collections created by people with great taste.
People use Pinterest to collect and share all sorts of things -- wedding inspiration, favorite T-shirts, DJ equipment. You name it, people are pinning it.
We know you have great taste in something. Our mission is to make Pinterest the best place for you to share your taste with the world.
It is essentially what I initially envisioned  Tumblr to be like (when I first heard about it several years ago), but better...for me anyway. I follow so many blogs and see so many beautiful images on a daily basis that I love having this resource to "pin" those images, jot notes about them, and be able to easily reference them when ever I need to. It is less like blogging, and more like straight forward image collection and inspiration. Each image links back to it's original location making it easy to reference where it came from (another blog, online magazine or store) and also to properly note it's origin when blogging (very important!). Here are some images which I have "pinned":

Our sofa:

Pillows from cb2 that I want! want! want!:

Source: via Nico on Pinterest

Source: via Nico on Pinterest

I have been using one of my "boards" to put together ideas for our living room.

If you spend any where near as much time as I do on the internet looking at pretty pictures, check out Pinterest and let me know if you'd like to join the community, I have several invitations to give out (how "gmail" like), just leave me a comment requesting one.  Coming soon is a blog about my other new found obsession...Instagram. Have a lovely afternoon!

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