Thrift Scores

Hello, hello, hello! It's been another much too short week around the homestead. We had another move in at my job, so that kept me really busy all week. However, I did have Tuesday off and took the opportunity to head out on the road and visit some thrift shops I have not been to in over a year. I have been focusing my energy on estate sales, given the serious lack of good thrift shopping in the nearby area, so it was fun to change it up a little. I got some really good deals too, it was definitely a fun and successful little weekday trip. I was able to snap a few (very quick) pictures while I had a few hours off of work, so lets check out the goods, shall we?!

Watch for some of these items to be listed in the Blueprint Vintage shop soon!  I also had another opportunity to thrift, so hopefully I will get some pics snapped of those fun things as well.

Fall Times Decorations

Aren't I timely... Here are some pictures of my fall/Thanksgiving decorations. They look pretty similar to my Halloween ones huh?? Yeah...I felt I had a good thing going there. I swapped out my Halloween related objects for some lovely decorative pears and pretty much called it a day. The leaves are from the dollar store and they are the B.D.C! (bomb dot com) Thick crepe paper and wires hold a nice and "natural" shape.

So here's my question to you; what on earth do I do with my pumpkin/gourds now?? I really don't want to toss them, they are so pretty, but having them around makes it even harder to wrap my head around the fact that Christmas is a mere 20 some days away. (I've had a hard time ever feeling really Christmas-y here, coming from Wisconsin to North Carolina, the weather is so dramatically different, it's hard for me to associate 65 degrees with Christmas. But no, I don't miss the snow.) Maybe I could just stick some bows on them? That stack could sort of be a Christmas Ha ha ha! We'll see. I am thinking it's going to be a white pottery with pink and turquoise vintage glass ornaments kind of Christmas.